As part of a whole of population approach for the prevention of overweight, obesity and chronic diseases, the Department of Health funds a number of state-wide programs.
LiveLighter® (external site), delivered by Cancer Council WA (external site), is a healthy lifestyle promotion and education program and a public
health mass media campaign, that helps Western Australian adults and families to lead a healthy life.
LiveLighter® (external site), offers a range of information, resources and tools for consumers and health
professionals, such as healthy meal plans and recipes, tips on how to understand food labels, and free workouts and
exercise guides.
Healthy lifestyle programs for children
Better Health Company is delivering free, healthy lifestyle programs to families in Western Australia. Designed by health professionals, Better Health Company's programs are evidence-based and align with national guidelines on healthy eating, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour.
The programs provide families with weekly support from qualified health professionals, practical resources to support healthy behaviour change at home, and interactive weekly sessions.
Families can choose to attend the group-based programs at a local community venue or join the online program.
The Active8 program for 2 - 5 years old. For more information, including referrals visit The Active8 program (external site).
The Better Health Program for 6 - 12 years old. For more information, including referrals visit The Better Health Program (external site).
Healthy eating in WA Schools
Whole of school healthy eating program
FreshSNAP (Fresh School Nutrition Advisory Program) (external site) delivered by Nutrition Australia WA, supports all WA schools with
whole of school approaches to healthy eating through nutrition education and creating healthy food environments in
classrooms, school canteens, and the broader school community.
FreshSNAP provides schools with free phone, email, web and face-to-face support to implement the Department of
Education’s Student Health in Public Schools Procedures, Appendix B. Healthy Food and Drink (external site). Schools can access a range
of free curriculum materials, lesson plans, recipes, training and other tools, including FoodChecker (external site); an online recipe,
menu and assessment tool.