Enduring Strategy 7 – Culture and workforce to support new models of care
A passionate and engaged workforce, with a culture that supports patient safety and outcomes within a high performing health system.
A workforce model and mix that provides the right services, at the right time, by the right people; and which focuses on the needs of the population through contemporary models of care.
View recommendations 23 to 27
Workforce culture, capability and planning
Build a systemwide culture of courage, innovation and accountability that supports collaboration to achieve change.
Drive capability and behaviour to act as a cohesive, outward-looking system that works in partnership across sectors, with a strong focus on system integrity, transparency and public accountability.
Build capability in workforce planning and formally partner with universities, vocational training institutes and professional colleges to shape the skills and curriculum to develop the health and social care workforce of the future.
Priorities for 2023:
- Configuration and user testing of the new HRplus payroll system. HRplus will allow all WA Health employees to securely access and manage employment information, rosters, payslips and leave requests 24/7 on a device of their choice.
- Resumption of the annual ‘Your Voice in Health’ survey in 2023, after it was deferred during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey provides a platform for employees to share their opinions about their workplace to ensure the WA health system is an employer of choice.
- Development of a systemwide framework and principles for WA Health’s workplace culture that supports courage, innovation and accountability to be completed.
- Leadership initiatives across the WA health system to be aligned to the four strategic intentions of the Health Leadership Strategic Intent.
Contemporary roles and workplaces
Implement contemporary workforce roles and scope of practice where there is a proven record of supporting better health outcomes and sustainability
Remove barriers to equity, flexibility and transparency in workforce arrangements
Priorities for 2023:
- First intake of Aboriginal Health Practitioners to start working in WA’s public health system.
- Select nurse practitioners to work in participating primary care practices under the Nurse Practitioner and Team-Based Primary Care Pilot, which aims to make comprehensive primary care easier and more accessible for Western Australians. The Nurse Practitioner Pilot will support the development and implementation of sustainable and effective models of multi-disciplinary primary care by increasing the number of nurse practitioners working in primary care settings to their full scope of practice.
Enduring Strategy 7 achievements
- $11.7 million in federal funding secured to deliver the Nurse Practitioner and Team-Based Primary Care Pilot, in collaboration with the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care, and the WA Primary Health Care Alliance (February 2023).
- New HRplus payroll system design completed (July 2022), ready for the build and test phase of the project.
- Awarding of 2 major contracts to develop an integrated HR, payroll and rostering system for all WA health system employees (February 2022). The new system will provide over 60,000 staff with greater visibility and accuracy of information, as well as improved features and functionality.
- New boards for PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA (external site) and Health Support Services (external site) took effect from 1 July, 2020. These additions to the already established health service provider boards have brought a uniform approach to governance and accountability in the WA’s health system.
Last reviewed: 07-07-2023