Enduring Strategy 2 – Improve mental health outcomes
With significant growth in the incidence of mental health conditions and demand for services over the past 20 years and one in five people experiencing mental health problems each year, integrated service delivery of mental health initiatives is prioritised in the Sustainable Health Review.
View recommendations 6 to 7
Balance early intervention, community, step up/step down, acute and recovery mental health, alcohol and other drug services |
This approach relies on a cultural shift from a largely reactive, acute, hospital-based system to one with a strong focus on harm prevention and services for early intervention, acute and recovery mental health, alcohol and other drug services.
Key priorities in 2023
Transparent reporting of patient outcomes and experience, and joint planning, commissioning and service delivery of more integrated services. |
Report patient experiences in a transparent manner and embed consumer and carer voices in services to better connect a person’s journey in the mental health system.
Initiatives aim to reduce immediate pressures on emergency departments and inpatient beds and achieve longer-term system reform, based on the results of Mental health inpatient snapshot surveys previously conducted.
Key priorities in 2023
- Develop an Outcomes Measurement Framework to enable system-wide reporting, monitoring and evaluation training to community-managed organisations to help them improve outcome measurement.
- Measure patient experience by piloting Your Experience of Care Community Managed Organisations (YES CMO) survey in the community mental health and alcohol and other drug sector and a Carer Experience Survey (CES) in the public system.
- Implement 20 properties in metropolitan Perth in 2023-24 under the Youth Long-term Housing and Support Program to support eligible young people aged 16-24 years who have mental health issues, with or without alcohol and other drug issues. The program offers accommodation and coordinated clinical, psychosocial and alcohol and other drug support.
- Development of 32 additional Step Up/Step Down beds in Broome (6), Karratha (6), South Hedland (10) and metropolitan Perth (10 youth specific service).
Responsive, connected and visible mental health, alcohol and other drug services in appropriate settings. |
Key priorities in 2023
- Develop a Western Australian Lived Experience (Peer) Workforces Framework and support the growth of the consumer, family/significant other and Aboriginal lived experience workforces, which assist people experiencing mental health, alcohol or other drug challenges, suicidal crisis, people who care for someone with these experiences, and those bereaved by suicide.
- Develop a 16-bed purpose-built supported transitional accommodation facility that offers accommodation and support to 16–24-year-olds who have severe mental health issues (with or without alcohol and other drug issues) and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- Recruit Aboriginal Mental Health Workers throughout Western Australia to provide culturally appropriate care, with State Budget support of $5.7 million.
- Reconfigure the mental health inpatient ward at Perth Children’s Hospital, supported by $7.7 million capital investment in the State Budget.
- Establish and pilot a Community Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Hub in Bunbury for 2.5 years, with $7.1 million in the State Budget.
- Expand the frontline workforce for child and adolescent mental health services, state-wide, supported by a State Budget allocation of $6.4 million.
- Enhance the Touchstone service, which provides specialised care to children and adolescents with personality disorder related needs, with State Budget support of $4.8 million. Planning will commence from July 2023.
- Implement 8 key actions and 32 recommendations of the Infant, Child and Adolescent (ICA) Taskforce to achieve system reconfiguration, transformation and reform.
Achievements to date
Last reviewed: 03-07-2023