Guides on pesticide use for industry and local government

A number of pesticide guidelines have been created for people who work in the pest management industry. This page offers up-to-date information for pest control professionals.

Managing land use conflicts

Increasing residential development in metropolitan areas previously occupied by agricultural producers, such as market gardeners, has resulted in land use conflicts from concerns regarding exposure to chemical spray drift.

The Guidelines for the separation of agricultural and residential land use explain the Western Australian Department of Health’s minimum requirements for establishing buffer areas for the separation of commercial agricultural land from residential land use.

Advice is incorporated from Guidance for the assessment of environmental factors – separation distances between industrial and sensitive land uses (external site) (Environmental Protection Authority, 2005) along with current scientific knowledge and accepted national practice in this area.

These guidelines promote the establishment of effective buffer areas at the planning proposal stage of new residential subdivision and allow all parties concerned to understand the minimum expectations for buffer areas and alleviate impacts of chemical use.

Managing pest control operation

Local government authorities need to consider many issues before, during and after pest control operations.

The aim of the Guide to the management of pesticides in local government pest control programs in Western Australia is to assist in the development of a pesticide use policy, based on a number of principles, incorporating community views, underpinned by risk and contract management, plus auditing the outcome of the programs.

Signage requirements for spraying pesticides in public places

It is a requirement under Regulation 88 of the Health (Pesticides) Regulations 2011 (external site) that a sign be fixed to a moving vehicle which is involved with the application of a liquid pesticide on a verge or park. The requirements are outlined in Signage requirements for verge spraying and public places.

Safe use of pesticides

The Guidelines for the safe use of pesticides in non-agricultural workplaces (PDF 550KB) provide practical guidance on the safe use of pesticides for the protection of human health, by assisting pesticide users to achieve a safe system of work and comply with relevant legislation.

Last reviewed: 01-06-2021
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Public Health