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Policy framework statement

The Employment Policy Framework specifies the employment governance requirements that all Health Service Providers (HSPs) must comply with in order to ensure an effective and consistent approach to industrial relations, human resource management, and conduct and ethics across the WA health system.


The purpose of this policy framework is to ensure:

  • HSPs will each be the employing authority accountable for the discharge of all employment functions in relation to their staff
  • all HSP staff members are subject to, and able to access consistent employment policies and standards across the WA health system.


This policy framework is binding on each HSP to which it applies or relates.


The WA health system will ensure its industrial relations, human resource management and conduct and ethics policy obligations align and are consistent with government and national policy and legislation, and are communicated and implemented, as appropriate, with all relevant stakeholders.

Legislative context

This policy framework is made pursuant to ss 26(2)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(k) of the Health Services Act 2016.

The Health Services Act 2016 refers to policy frameworks in ss. 26-27 and s. 34(2)(c). Other relevant parts in the Act that relate specifically to this policy framework include s. 20(1)(f),(h) and (i), Parts 9-12 and associated Regulations.

The legislation below, may also apply:

  • Corruption, Crime and Misconduct Act 2003
  • Equal Opportunity Act 1984
  • Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (WA) Act 2010
  • Industrial Relations Act 1979
  • Migration Act 1958 (Cwlth)
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
  • Public Sector Management Act 1994 (and Regulations)
  • Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004

Mandatory requirements

Under this policy framework HSPs must comply with the following mandatory requirements:

Please refer to the Public Sector Commissioner’s Instructions and compliance instruments and the Department of Mines and Industry Regulation and Safety Circulars and Policies to access relevant statewide employment policies, circulars and other relevant information.

Policy framework custodian

Assistant Director General
Strategy and Governance

Enquiries relating to this Policy Framework may be directed to: PolicyFrameworkSupport@health.wa.gov.au


This policy framework will be reviewed as required to ensure relevance and recency. At a minimum this policy framework will be reviewed within two years after first issue and at least every three years thereafter.

Version Effective from Amendment(s)
87 10 October 2024 Amendment to MP 0102/18 Classification Policy.  Amendments include the following: Supporting information WA Health System Classification Review Committee Terms of Reference updated.  Policy contact amended to reflect change in policy owner's unit title. 
86 19 September 2024 Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.  Amendments include the following related documents amended to reflect changes to the composition of the HES: Consolidation of determined executive offices in the Health Executive Service; Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure and Medical Practitioner Only HES Offices. 
85 6 August 2024

Amendment to MP 0033/16 Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy. Policy requirements amended to clarify sharing of personnel information between HSPs with employee consent. Supporting information: removal of WA Aboriginal Health Workforce Strategy 2014-2024.

84 10 July 2024 Policy review and amendments to MP 044/17 Clinical Academic Funding Policy.  Amendments include the following: Purpose section amended to align with policy requirements and remove reference to the historic Department of Health Medical Practitioners (Clinical Academics) AMA Industrial Agreement 2013; Applicability section amended to include PathWest; Policy requirements section amended to define the parties to the funding arrangement and clarify and contemporise record keeping and reporting requirements; Compliance monitoring section amended to reflect governance requirements; related documents updated to remove the Department of Health Medical Practitioners (Clinical Academics) AMA Industrial Agreement 2013 and include the UWA Funding Arrangements for Clinical Academic Positions Form and Definitions section included to adhere to mandatory policy governance requirements. 
83 9 July 2024  Policy review and amendments to MP 0025/16 Industrial Relations Policy. Amendments included the following: policy transferred to current mandatory policy template, purpose section refined to reflect the System Manager's responsibility in delivering system-wide industrial relations on behalf of the State, Applicability section updated to include WA Health Entities, policy requirements revised and updated in accordance with legislative requirement, compliance monitoring section updated to align with mandatory policy governance requirements, inclusion of Industrial Relations Directives as related documents, Definitions section updated to include definitions for Industrial Relations Directive, System Manager and WA Health Entities, Policy ownership and policy contact updated to Director, System-wide Industrial Relations. The following mandatory policies are superseded as related documents (Industrial Relations Directives): MP 0064/17 Appointment of Interns and Progression to Resident Medical Officer Policy, MP 0096/18 Health Care Facilities Medical Advisory Commitee Policy, MP 0147/20 Leave Management for Senior Medial Practitioners Policy, MP 0148/20 Payment for Patient Escorting Duties for Nurses Policy, MP 0149/20 Terms of Employment of Interpreters Policy, MP 0150/20 Travelling Allowance: Categories of Accommodation Policy and MP 0151/20 Unauthorised Stoppages: Payment of Wages and Effect on Entitlements Policy. 
82 8 July 2024 Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.  Amendment includes an update to the related document: Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect an increase in the superannuation rate to 11.5% of the annual salary component effective from 1 July 2024. 
81 18 April 2024 Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.  The following related documents amended to reflect changes to the composition of the HES: Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service; Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure and Medical Practitioner Only HES Offices.  
80 2 April 2024 New Mandatory Policy: MP 0182/24 Transition of Fixed Term Senior Practitioners to Permanency Policy. This policy outlines the review process for WA health entities to transition senior practitioners employed under a fixed term contract to permanent employment consistent with the WA Health System - Medical Practitioners - AMA Industrial Agreement 2022.
79 14 February 2024 Minor amendments to MP 0116/19 Grievance Resolution Policy. Updated mandatory policy hyperlinks throughout the policy.  
78 6 February 2024 Minor amendments to MP 0176/22 Working with Children Check Policy.  Hyperlinks updated in the 'Category of child-related work' and 'Child related work' definitions. 
77 5 December 2023 Amendment to MP 0176/22 Working with Children Check Policy.  Amendments include the following: updated the title of Working with Children (Screening) Act 2004 and Regulations to reflect the change in title effective from 1 July 2023; updated policy hyperlinks; Compliance Monitoring section - updated to reflect the change in policy ownership from System-wide Integrity Servies to the Governance and System Support Directorate; updated policy contact; Supporting Information: replace WWC Screening Unit Fact Sheets, WWC Check Position Assessment Took, WWC Check Exception Form resources with a hyperlink to the WA Government: Working with Children Check - Resources and guides: factsheets and other resources and definitions section updated to refer to resources on the WWC website. 
76 2 November 2023 Policy review and amendments to: MP 0097/18 Aboriginal Workforce Policy.  Amendments included the following: Purpose section amended to improve clarity; updated titles of aligned Frameworks to include National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan 2021-2031 within the Purpose section; additional policy requirements included to align with current Frameworks/strategies; reporting requirements amended to include the new related documents reporting tools: Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Action Plan template and Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Annual Report Template and inclusion of four new supporting information documents to align with policy and removal of outdated supporting information. 
75 27 October 2023 Minor amendment to MP 0065/17 Aboriginal Cultural e-Learning Policy.  Supporting information 'Closing the Gap Jurisdictional Implementation Plan Western Australia' removed and replaced with 'Closing the Gap Implementation Plan 2023-2025 Western Australia'.
74 29 September 2023

Amendments to MP 0065/17 Aboriginal Cultural eLearning Policy:
•The policy requirements section amended to include the completion of Aboriginal Cultural e-Learning amended from 6 months to 90 days.
•Removed reference to staff completion of the previous Aboriginal Cultural e-Learning within policy requirements section.
•Inclusion of new reporting requirements under Strategic Direction 3 of the Health Service Provider’s Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Action Plan Annual Report
•Policy requirements and compliance monitoring sections refined to reflect reporting requirements.
•Supporting information section refined.

73  21 September 2023 Amendments to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.  To reflect changes to the composition of the HES, major amendments to related documents: Consolidation of determined executive officer in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure. Minor amendments to industrial agreement titels in Policy Requirements 3.2.1 section. 
72 22 August 2023  Minor amendments to MP 0117/19 Prevention of Workplace Bullying Policy.  Amendments included:  new paragraph outlining legislation pertinent to policy included in Purpose section noting the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and the Industrial Relation Act 1979; reference to the Industrial Relations Act 1979 in Policy Requirements section 3.1; Replaced 'Code of Practice: Violence, aggression and bullying at work (2022) with Code of practice - Workplace behaviour (2022); new supporting information link included: 'Stop bullying or sexual harassment applications - WA Industrial Relations Commission'.
71  1 July 2023  Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.  Amendment to related document: Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to incorporate the A/Director General's determination of 1 June 2023 to increase the total remuneration values effective from 1 July 2023.  The determination includes a 3% increase to the annual salary component and increases the superannuation rate to 11% of the annual salary component. 
70  25 May 2023  Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.  Major amendments to Related Documents: Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure and Consolidation of Determined Executive Officer in the Health Executive Service to reflect changes to the composition of the HES. 
69  29 March 2023  Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.  Amendment to related document - Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to incorporate the Director General's determination of 14 March 2023 to increase the total remuneration values effective from 1 July 2022.  The determination includes an increase to the annual salary component of the remuneration values by 3%.
68  15 February 2023  MP 0176/22 Working with Children Check Policy transferred from Integrity Policy Framework to Employment Policy Framework.  MP 0176/22 effective from 23 December 2022.  
67  24 October 2022  New Policy: MP 0174/22 Refusal or Withdrawal of Care for a Patient Exhibiting Aggressive or Violent Behaviour Policy.  The purpose of this policy is to outline the circumstances in which senior registered health professionals may refuse or withdraw care to patients who pose a threat to staff members. 
66  4 October 2022  Amendment to MP 0102/18 Classifications Policy.  Amendment to supersede MP 0082/18 Classification Policy for WA Health System Classification Review Committee. Amendmentsincluded: a policy requirement for Health Service Providers to establish and maintain a local Classification Review Committee and further detail within the Compliance Monitoring section to include information on Temporary Special Allowances and positions or classes of positions which have significant industry wide flow on implications. 
65  15 September 2022 Employment Policy Framework Supporting Information: Dental Technician (Advanced Level) Classifications Progression - Dental Technicians Industrial Agreement 2015 rescinded.  See MP 0102/18 Classifications Policy for updated Dental Technician (Advanced Level) Classifications Progression document. 
64 25 August 2022 Policy review of MP 0102/18 Classification Policy. Inclusion of Dental Technician (Advanced Level) Classification Progression as a related document.
63 23 August 2022

Amendments to the policy contact of the following policies:

  • MP 0044/17 Clinical Academic Funding Policy
  • MP 0147/20 Leave Management for Senior Medial Practitioners Policy
  • MP 0148/20 Payment for Patient Escorting Duties for Nurses Policy
  • MP 0150/20 Travelling Allowance: Categories of Accommodation Policy
  • MP 0151/20 Unauthorised Stoppages: Payment of Wages and Effect on Entitlements Policy
  • MP 0149/20 Terms of Employment of Interpreters Policy
  • MP 0116/19 Grievance Resolution Policy
  • MP 0117/19 Prevention of Workplace Bullying Policy
  • MP 0033/16 Recruitment Selection and Appointment Policy
  • MP 0159/21 Workplace Aggression and Violence Policy
62 12 August 2022 Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy. Major Amendments to Related Documents including: Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure. Amendments are to reflect changes to the composition of the Health Executive Service. 
61 4 July 2022 Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy. Major amendment to Related document - Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure. 
60 17 May 2022 Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy. Major Amendments to Related Documents including: Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service, Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure and Medical Practitioner Only HES Offices. Amendments are to reflect changes to the composition of the Health Executive Service. 
59 7 February 2022
MP 0048/17 Centralised Intern Application Policy - Major amendments to policy as follows:
  • Altered the title of the Policy for clarification and consistency in terminology.
  • Strengthened the purpose of the Policy to include reference to the National Medical Intern Data Management Working Group.
  • Reclassification of the 2006 COAG Agreement Supporting Information document to a Related Document.
  • Updated the Centralised Intern Application and Allocation Process Related Document.
58 16 November 2021
MP 0116/19 Grievance Resolution Policy - Amendments to policy to broaden applicability to include the Department of Health resulting in subsequent updates to legislative requirements, definitions, references and links. 
57 25 October 2021
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments made to Related documents: Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service, Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES.
56 24 September 2021
Minor amendments to MP 0151/20 Unauthorised Stoppages: Payment of Wages and Effect on Entitlements Policy. Deletion of requirement to obtain approval from the Minister for Industrial Relations for the payment of wages during an unauthorised stoppage and inclusion of the following Related documents:
  • DMIRS Government Sector Labour Relations Policy Statement - Industrial Action.
  • DMIRS Circular to Departments and Authorities No. 14 of 1980 - Unauthorised Stoppages - Effect on Sick Leave Entitlements - Wages Employees.
55 20 August 2021 
Changes to wording on the Employment Policy Framework, removed the use of the term 'integrity' and replaced with 'conduct and ethics'. Realigned the wording for Code of Conduct to match the working on the Integrity Policy Framework landing page.
54 29 July 2021
Major Amendment: MP 0097/18 Aboriginal Workforce Policy - amended to reflect changes to identified internal and state policies and the Aboriginal Workforce Policy Report endorsement process. Related Document: Amended to reflect changes to the endorsed process and refinement strategy 1 and 2 measures to support data collection.  As a full Policy review was undertaken, a new review cycle will commence.
53 19 July 2021
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments to Related documents; Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure, HES appointment acting form (remuneration up to midpoint), HES remuneration increase form (midpoint and below) to reflect the Director General's determination to increase the total remuneration values outlined in the Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure effective from 1 July 2021.
52 1 July 2021
Rescinded: OD 0292/10 and IC 0226/15.
51 30 June 2021
Retitle IC 0235/15 and relocate from Mandatory requirements to Supporting information as part of the OD/IC Project while under redevelopment to a Mandatory Policy.

Retitle OD 0454/13, OD 0275/10 and Guidelines as part of the OD/IC Project while under redevelopment to a Mandatory Policy.
50 17 June 2021
Major Amendment: MP 0048/17 Centralised Intern Application and Allocation Policy. Amended to remove outdated related documents and transition the ownership of the Policy from the System-Wide Industrial Relations to PMCWA.
49  3 June 2021
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments to Related documents Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES.
48 10 May 2021
New MP 0159/21 Workplace Aggression and Violence Policy.
47 4 May 2021 
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments to Related document Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES.
46 17 March 2021
Major Amendment to MP 0065/17 Aboriginal Cultural eLearning Policy.
45 23 December 2020
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments to Related documents Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES.

IC 0212/15 superseded by MP 0147/20 Leave Management for Senior Medical Practitioners Policy.

OP 1858/04 superseded by MP 0148/20 Payment for Patient Escorting Duties for Nurses Policy.

OD 0120/08 superseded by MP 0149/20 Terms of Employment of Interpreters Policy.

OD 0044/07 superseded by MP 0150/20 Travelling Allowance: Categories of Accommodation Policy.

OP 0427/94 superseded by MP 0151/20 Unauthorised Stoppages: Payment of Wages and Effect on Entitlements Policy.
44 27 November 2020
Rescinded: OD 0156/08.
43 19 October 2020
Rescinded: IC 0158/13, IC 0159/13, IC 0160/13, IC 0161/13, IC 0162/13, IC 0163/13, IC 0157/13, IC 0107/11, IC 0109/11, IC 0104/11, IC 0076/10, IC 0209/14, IC 0211/15, IC 0149/13 and IC 0225/15.
42 24 April 2020
Major Amendment to MP0033/16 Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy.
41 22 April 2020  Minor amendment to Employment Policy Framework, Mandatory requirements to amend statement on Treasurer’s Instructions applicable to HSPs including removal of hyperlinks to Records of attendance and time worked and Transfer of Employees.
40 3 April 2020
Rescinded OP 1850/04  and OP 1861/04.
Minor amendment to Employment Policy Framework to fix hyperlink to Records Awareness Training.
39 2 April 2020
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments made to Related documents Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES.
Minor amendment made to Supporting information, Document control and Policy webpage.
38 14 January 2020
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments made to Related documents Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES.  
Minor amendment made to the Policy document to transition to the current Policy template.
37 2 January 2020
MP 0040/16 Discipline Policy superseded by New MP 0127/20 Discipline Policy (mandatory requirement under the Integrity Policy Framework).

New MP 0128/20 Use of Official Information, Digital Services (Social Media) and Public Comment Policy superseded OD 0327/11 and OD 0656/16.
36 12 December 2019
Major Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - amendment to Related document Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect one change to the composition of the HES.
Hyperlink amended to correct version for Related document HES remuneration increase form midpoint and below.
35 19 November 2019 
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments to Related documents Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES. 
34 8 November 2019
Rescinded: (Mandatory) OD 0372/12 and OD 0373/12; 
Rescinded: (Supporting information) IC 0089/11, IC 0122/12, IC 0224/15, IC 0183/14, IC 0131/13, IC 0219/15, IC 0130/13 and IC 0213/15.
33 31 October 2019
MP 0031/16 Code of Conduct superseded by MP 0124/19 Code of Conduct Policy.

MP 0029/16 Notifying Misconduct Policy superseded by MP 0125/19 Notifiable and Reportable Conduct Policy.

MP 0043/16 Reporting of Criminal Conduct and Professional Misconduct Policy superseded by MP 0125/19 Notifiable and Reportable Conduct Policy.

MP 0032/16 Pre-Employment Integrity Check Policy superseded by MP 0126/19 Pre-Employment Integrity Check Policy.

MP 0124/19 Code of Conduct Policy, MP 0125/19 Notifiable and Reportable Conduct Policy and MP 0126/19 Pre-Employment Integrity Check Policy are mandatory requirements of the Integrity Policy Framework.

32 28 October 2019  MP 0034/16 Salary Packaging Policy superseded by new MP 0123/19 Salary Packaging Policy through a Major Amendment.
31 22 August 2019
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major Amendment to Related document HES rationale for remuneration above midpoint form to remove reference to supporting attachments and clarify the effective date for the new health executive appointments.
30 16 August 2019
Rescinded: (Mandatory) OD 0556/14, (Supporting Information) OP 0524/19, OP 1549/02, OP 1464/01, IC 0148/13, IC 0144/13, IC 0139/13 and OP 1875/04.
29 12 & 13 August 2019
New Mandatory Policies: MP 0116/19 Grievance Resolution Policy (supersedes OD 0452/13); MP 0117/19 Prevention of Workplace Bullying Policy (supersedes OD 0437/13); and MP 0118/19 Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment Policy (supersedes OD 0438/13; OD 0649/16 and OD 0634/15). 
28 8 August 2019
MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - Major amendments to Related documents Consolidation of determined executive offices in the health executive service and Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to reflect changes to the composition of the HES.
27 10 July 2019
Rescinded OD 0563/14 (superseded by MP 0112/19 Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy, within the Integrity Policy Framework) and OD 0264/10 (superseded by MP 0113/19 Managing Conflicts of Interest Policy, within the Integrity Policy Framework).
26 28 June 2019 
Major Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - amendment to Related document Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure to incorporate the A/Director General's determination on 7 June 2019 to increase the annual salary component for each health executive office specified in the Health Executive Classification and Remuneration Structure by $1,000, effective from 1 July 2019.
25 9 May 2019
Major Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy - amendments made to reflect changes to the composition of the Health Executive Service (HES) and to clarify matters in the related forms.
24 28 March 2019
Rescinded IC 0165/13; IC 0218/15; IC 0204/14; IC 0221/15; IC 0206/14; OP 1907/05 from Supporting Information.
23 27 March 2019
Rescinded IC 0121/12; OP 1563/02; IC 0222/15; IC 0227/15; IC 0196/14; IC 0184/14; IC 0185/14; IC 0176/14; IC 0191/14; IC 0092/11; IC 0137/13; IC 0214/15; IC 0175/14 from Supporting Information.
22 26 March 2019
Rescinded IC 0145/13 from Supporting Information.
21 21 March 2019
Rescinded IC 0202/14 from Supporting Information.
20 24 December 2018
New MP 0102/18 Classification Policy superseding OP 1753/04, OP 2038/06, OP 2070/06, OP 2103/06, OD 0030 & OD 0386/12.       
Major amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy
19 13 December 2018
OD 0634/15 and OD 0656/16 allocated to the framework. 
18 22 November 2018
New MP 0096/18 Health Care Facilities Medical Advisory Committee Policy.
New MP 0097/18 Aboriginal Workforce Policy, superseded OD 0581/14.
New MP 0100/18 Management of Accrued Leave Policy.
Rescinded OP 1606/02, OD 0601/125, OD 0602/15, OP 1821/04, OP 0586/15, IC 0086/11 from Mandatory requirements.
OP 1850 removed from Employment Policy Framework but still active as a Mandatory requirement within the Legal Policy Framework.
17 18 October 2018
Major amendment to MP 0082/18 Classification Policy for WA Health System Classification Review Committee.
16 28 September 2018
Rescinded IC 0118/12 from Supporting Information.
15 3 July 2018
Industrial Agreements removed from the body of the Policy Framework.
14 11 April 2018
New MP 0082/18 Classification Policy for WA Health System Classification Review Committee, superseding MP 0020/16 Classification Policy. Major Amendment to MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy.
13 14 December 2017
New MP 0075/17 Health Executive Policy. Note: Policy published on 13 December, but not added to Policy Framework until 14 December 2017.
12 28 September 2017
Rescinded MP 0028/16 Redeployment and Redundancy Policy, OD 050/14, OD 0639/15, OD 0408/12, OD 0619/15, OD 0603/15, OD 0638/15, IC 0234/15, IC 0233/15, OP 1845/04, IC 0205/14, IC 0232/15, OP 0500/94, OP 0072/91, OP 0496/94, OP 0045/91 from Mandatory Requirements.
11 21 September 2017
Major Amendment MP 0031/16 Code of Conduct.
10 6 September 2017
New MP 0065/17 Aboriginal Cultural eLearning Policy, superseding OD 0599/15.
9 16 August 2017
New MP 0064/17 Appointment of Interns and Progression to Resident Medical Officer Policy.
8 6 July 2017
Rescinded OD 0624/15 from Supporting Information.
7 11 May 2017
Rescinded IC 0126/12.
6 3 April 2017
New MP 0048/17 Centralised Intern Application and Allocation Policy.
5 4 January 2017
New MP 0044/17 Clinical Academic Funding Policy.
4 29 December 2016
Amended MP 0029/16 Notifying Misconduct Policy.
New MP 0043/16 Reporting of Criminal Conduct and Professional Misconduct Policy.
New MP 0042/16 Standardised Position Titles Policy, superseded OD 0544/14 and OD 0449/13.
Rescinded OD 0544/14 and OD 0449/13 from Mandatory Requirements.
3 2 December 2016
New MP 0040/16 Discipline Policy with Explanatory Notes and Templates Letters superseded MP 0027/16 Misconduct Policy.
New MP 0041/16 Managing Unsatisfactory and Substandard Performance Policy with Explanatory Notes, PIP and Template Letters superseded MP 0030/16 Managing Unsatisfactory and Substandard Performance Policy.
2 14 September 2016
Added new WA Health - HSUWA - PACTS Industrial Agreement 2016, supersedes WA Health - HSUWA - PACTS Industrial Agreement 2014.
1 1 July 2016 Original version


This policy framework has been approved and issued by the Director General of the Department of Health as the System Manager.

Approval byDr David Russell-Weisz, Director General, Department of Health
Approval date01 July 2016
Date published22 November 2018
File numberF-AA-40147


This policy framework is binding on those to whom it applies or relates. Implementation at a local level will be subject to audit.

Glossary of terms

Term Meaning
Applicability Under Section 26 of the Health Services Act 2016, policy frameworks may apply to:
  • All Health Service Providers
  • A type of public health service facility
  • A type of public health service
  • A type of staff member of a health service provider.

Means a person employed in a Health Service Provider and includes:

  • The Chief Executive of the Health Service Provider
  • A health executive employed in the Health Service Provider
  • A person employed in the Health Service Provider under s.140
  • A person seconded to the Health Service Provider under ss. 136 and 142.

(Refer also to s. 6 of the Health Services Act 2016).

Health Executive Service

The Health Executive Service is established by the Director General and comprises:

  1. The chief executives of health service providers; and
  2. The persons holding offices that are for the time being the subject of a determination made by the Director General.

(Refer also to s.105 of the Health Services Act 2016).

Health Service Provider Health Service Provider means a health service provider established under section 32 of the Health Services Act 2016 and may include North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS), South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS), Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS), WA Country Health Service (WACHS), East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS), PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA (PathWest), Quadriplegic Centre and Health Support Services (HSS)
Staff Member An employee in the Health Service Provider or a person engaged under a contract for service by the Health Service Provider. Refer to s. 6 of the Health Services Act 2016.
System Manager The term used for the Department CEO to reflect his role as being responsible for the overall management of the WA health system (see s.19 Health Services Act 2016).
WA health system The WA health system is comprised of the Department, Health Service Providers (NMHS, SMHS, CAHS, WACHS, EMHS, PathWest, Quadriplegic Centre and HSS) and to the extent that contracted health entities provide health services to the State, the contracted health entities.