The Women and Newborn Health Network aims to improve the quality, safety, accessibility and continuity of care and services for all women and newborns in Western Australia.
Network lead and membership
The Network is led by Professor Chris Griffin and Kate Reynolds. They are supported by an Executive Advisory Group consisting of representatives from Health Service Providers, the Department of Health, community and non-government organisations, research, carers, and consumers.
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WA Women’s Health and Wellbeing Policy; WA Women’s Health Conference
The Western Australian Women’s Health and Wellbeing Policy: Lifting the health profile of women and girls provides a strategic, coordinated, and gender-responsive approach to drive equitable, accessible and appropriate services that optimise the health, safety and wellbeing of women and girls in Western Australia (WA).
It demonstrates the WA health system’s commitment towards achieving the shared vision and strategic priorities of the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020-2030 and aligns with the Department of Communities WA Women’s Plan and 10 Year Strategy for Reducing Family and Domestic Violence in WA.
On Monday 2 September 2019, the Minister for Health, the Hon. Roger Cook MLA, launched the Policy at the WA Women’s Health Conference.
The WA Women’s Health Conference provided attendees with the opportunity to consider the latest research and evidence in the field, and inform an action plan to aid in the implementation of the WA Women’s Health and Wellbeing Policy.
Improving services for disadvantaged women
The Women and Newborn Health Network has undertaken a number of projects aimed at improving the health services for disadvantaged women across WA. It has worked with maternity service providers to improve the outcomes for refugee and migrant women, held consumer workshops and focus groups, and sponsored a system-wide Clinical Senate on the issue.
Safe Infant Sleeping
The WA Department of Health supports safe infant sleeping practices and messages to reduce the incidence and raise awareness of Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy (SUDI). The Women and Newborn Health Network revised the Safe Infant Sleeping Policy and supporting documents in consultation with the Safe Infant Sleeping Working Group to ensure service delivery and programs are aligned with evidence-based best practice for safe infant sleeping.
The Safe Infant Sleeping Policy (the policy) (PDF 55KB) promotes best safe infant sleeping practices by mandating education for staff and promoting the use of key messages across the Western Australian health system regarding safe infant sleeping practices. The mandatory policy supersedes the WA Health Safe Infant Sleeping Policy and Framework Operational Directive (OD) 0474/13 and is applicable to Health Service Providers that provide maternity services and child health services as well as Contracted Health Entities that provide publicly funded maternity and child health services to the extent that this policy forms part of their contract.
The Safe Infant Sleeping Standard (PDF 433KB) supports the implementation of, and compliance with, the policy and is intended to inform policy and service development within the WA health system and other government and community sector agencies working with parents, carers, families and communities in order to promote safe infant sleeping.
The Safe Infant Sleeping e-Learning Package (external site) is an interactive educational tool with the aim to provide evidence based information for health professionals, information about model safe sleeping practices, and contribute to reducing the risks associated with SUDI. A Safe Infant Sleeping Brochure (PDF 864KB) provides information for parents, carers and families on how to sleep their baby safely and reduce the risk of SUDI.
Health Service Providers are required to monitor their compliance with this mandatory policy. The Safe Infant Sleeping Compliance Tool (Excel 111KB) supports the implementation of this policy.
Department of Health-funded projects at the Telethon Kids Institute
The Women and Newborn Health Network funded the Telethon Kids Institute to deliver three key research projects on their behalf. These projects focused on improving the quality, safety, and continuity of services for women and babies in WA, particularly at-risk groups such as:
Models of care and resources
Health Networks develops models of care, frameworks and toolkits to provide a cohesive and consistent plan for health care across WA. Implementation of these resources occurs in partnership with the Health Service Providers and other organisations involved in health care.
For consumer information for expecting and new parents, including every stage of maternity care and a guide to where to have your baby, visit HealthyWA’s Having a Baby page (external site).
Health Networks
Address: 189 Royal Street, East Perth
Last reviewed: 12-07-2018
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Health Networks