Child and Youth Health Network
The Child and Youth Health Network aims to improve health outcomes for young people in our community by enabling consumers and carers, health professionals, hospitals, health services and the WA Department of Health to engage and collaborate effectively to facilitate health policy and increased coordination of care across the State.
Network lead and membership
The Network is currently led by Dr Helen Wright and Dr Alide Smit. They are supported by an Executive Advisory Group, consisting of representatives from Health Service Providers, paediatrics, Department of Health, non-government organisations, research, carers and consumers.
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WA Youth Health Policy 2018-2023

The Western Australian Youth Health Policy 2018-2023: Strong body, strong minds - stronger youth and its Companion Resource aim to drive equitable, effective and coordinated health services that optimise the health and wellbeing of young people. The Policy provides a platform to articulate the voices of young people, providing insight in to their health experiences and needs. These views and ideas have been integral to informing the Policy, with participation from young people central to its development.
The Policy and Companion Resource are the result of contributions from a large number of organisations and individuals from across the WA health system and the community. It demonstrates the WA health system’s commitment towards achieving the shared vision and strategic priorities of the Healthy, Safe and Thriving: National Strategic Framework for Child and Youth Health (external site).
WA Youth Health Policy 2018 – 2023 Toolkit
My Health in My Hands animation
Created in partnership with WA young people, the animation My Health in My Hands aims to support young people become more independent with their health care.
The animation has been created in response to the information requested by young people involved in the Community Consultations (PDF 7.3MB) undertaken during the development of the WA Youth Health Policy 2018-2023 (PDF 4MB).
My Health in My Hands is aimed at young people residing in Western Australia aged 12 to 18 and summarises:
- how young people can expect to be treated by health professionals
- information on privacy and confidentiality
- how to access Medicare
- tips on choosing a GP
- how to give feedback in relation to the health service received.
The animation is also available to be viewed and shared in discrete segments on the Department of Health WA YouTube channel:
Use the posters below to promote the animation in waiting rooms and other areas young people may use. The posters contain a QR code which leads directly to the animation:
Engaging with young people
Hear from Youth Disability Consumer Representative, Grace Mills, who discusses how Health Networks has used quality engagement practices to connect with young people to inform policy development.
Other child and youth resources
The Child and Youth Health Network is involved in the development of a range of models of care and resources with the aim of achieving the highest possible standards of care for all children and youth in Western Australia.
The Child and Youth Health Network contracted the Telethon Kids Institute in 2020 to investigate options for paediatric FASD screening in WA.
Health Networks
Address: 189 Royal Street, East Perth
Last reviewed: 11-11-2021
Produced by
Health Networks